Are you, like me, part of the statistics?

Are you making New Year resolutions? How long are you able to stick to it? Only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Most resolutions last about 4-6 weeks, after that excuses are taking over. The #1 resolution is losing weight. On average the top 3 are related to improving physical wellbeing.

I am part of the statistics as my own resolution is part of these top 3. Pretty much every year I have the same resolution… or should I call it a continuation resolution: “Having a vibrant and healthy life”. The reasons why I do it every year is because it is not something I can achieve and then say “I’m done”. Having a vibrant and healthy life requires a constant awareness of what I do and what I eat. I have had different health problems over the last few years and I spent 2015 getting rid of quite a few of them. I am now ready to soar and get back to the health level I really want to be. I am not expecting it to be an easy trip but I am in for the long run! As I am getting older, I find that there are more road blocks on my way. These used to be pebbles and year after year they seem to grow larger. I realized that some of them are inevitable and I just have to take my time and do all I can to either chiseled them down or simply go around.

If you are also on the top 3 and wish to improve your physical wellbeing, that’s great. I will be right there with you and we can support each other along the way. Accountability is one of the biggest tools to success. I welcome you to share with me your goals and aspiration for 2016. Let me know how I can help you achieved them. How can I be of assistance? What tools would you like me to share with you? Just email me, I would love to hear from you!